Office for the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations

The Malta Esports Association is enrolled with the OCVO as required in terms of the Voluntary Organisations Act (Chapter 492 of the Laws of Malta), and is therefore supervised and subject to the regulations of the OCVO. MESA holds VO Number VO/2186 and is classified under Sports Organisations.
International Esports Federation

Malta formally joined the IESF in October 2020, under the patronage of the GamingMalta Foundation. The membership was thereafter shifted to the Malta Esports Association once formally set up. The IESF consists of 123 member national federations from across all continents. Malta has participated in the IESF World Championships since 2020.
The IESF is headquartered in Seoul, South Korea. Link to Membership Certificate.
European Esports Federation

The Malta Esports Association formally became a member of the EEF in 2021, and is now one of 45 European countries who form part of the European federation for esports, which is headquartered in Brussels, Belgium. The EEF organises the European Championships, which act as regional qualifiers for the IESF World Championships. Malta has been participating in the European Championships since their establishment in 2022.
Global Esports Federation

The Malta Esports Association was accepted as an affiliate member of the Global Esports Federation in 2022. The Global Esports Federation consists of over 100 member federations and is headquartered in Singapore. The GEF organises the Commonwealth Esports Championships, by virtue of Malta’s membership in the Commonwealth of Nations, as well as the Global Esports Games, and other regional competitions. Link to Membership Certificate.